Wind Strength Exercise

In this exercise, you will use the flex sensor to build a simple wind strength sensor. If the sensor detects a strong wind for a specific duration, the signal (RGB LED) will turn red. Once the wind lets up, the signal will turn green. The threshold is provided by the Central Yún .


  • Arduino Yún
  • Jumper wires
  • 10k resistors  (The colors on it are brown , black, orange and gold)
  • Flex sensor
  • Breadboard


  1. Construct the MDF parts to hold the flex sensor.
  2. Open the “e5_windstrength” from the examples.
  3. Upload the sketch to the Yún.
  4. When the onboard LED L13 is on, the Yún is ready.
  5. Open the Serial Monitor and test the sensor by blowing on it for a few seconds. Check the Central Yún ’s serial monitor to see all the saved values.
  6. Go to this URL: to see current state of the wind strength sensor.
  7. Modify thresholdValue to see how changing it affects how much wind is needed to trigger the sensor.