Seat Checker Exercise

In this exercise, you will use the temperature sensor to make a seat reminder that helps remind people that they’ve been sitting too long. When someone sits on the sensor, their body warmth will raise the temperature and the timer starts. The RGB LED will turn red to remind the occupant to get up and move around. The time limit is set by the Central Yún .


  • Arduino Yún
  • Jumper wires
  • Temperature sensor
  • Breadboard
  • 10k resistor (The colors on it are brown ,black, orange and gold)

  1. Construct the MDF parts to hold the temperature sensor.
  2. Open the “e5_seatchecker” from the examples
  3. Upload the sketch to the Yún
  4. When the onboard LED L13 is on, the Yún is ready.
  5. Open the Serial Monitor and place your hand on the seat. Check the Central Yún ’s serial monitor to see all the saved values.
  6. Go to this URL: current state of your seat.