Install Processing and code examples


Processing IDE

  • Go to this page to find the latest version of Processing:
  • Click on ‘Windows 32 bit’ or ‘Windows 64 bit’, depending on your system type, to download.
  • When the download has finished, unzip the file to the computer hard drive.
  • Open the unzipped folder ‘processing-2.2.1′ and double-click ‘processing.exe’ to start.

Code examples

  • Go to this page to find the latest version of the CTC Processing examples:
  • Click the ‘Download ZIP’ button to the right to download the examples.
  • When the download has finished, open the .zip file named CTC-Processing-master.
  • Navigate to C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Processing. (Note that this is not the folder you previously unzipped, this folder is created the first time you start Processing.)
  • Move the folder ‘CTC-Processing-master’ to the Processing folder.
  • Processing has to be relaunched for it to detect the new folder with the examples.

Mac OS X

Processing IDE

  • Go to this page to find the latest version of Processing:
  • Click on ‘Mac OS X’ to download.
  • When the download has finished, double-click on the file.
  • Drag the Processing icon to the Application folder.
  • Double-click the Processing icon to start.

Code examples

  • Go to this page to find the latest version of the CTC Processing examples:
  • Click the ‘Download ZIP’ button to the right to download the examples.
  • When the download has finished, open the .zip file named CTC-Processing-master.
  • Navigate to Users/UserName/Documents/Processing. (Note that this is not the folder you previously unzipped, this folder is created the first time you start Processing.)
  • Move the folder ‘CTC-Processing-master’ to the Processing folder.
  • Processing has to be relaunched for it to detect the new folder with the examples.


Processing IDE

  • Go to this page to find the latest version of Processing:
  • Click on ‘Linux 32 bit’ or ‘Linux 64 bit’, depending on your system type, to download.
  • When the download has finished,open the terminal window and type:
    tar xvfz processing-xxxx.tgz
    (Replace xxxx with the rest of the file’s name, which is the version number.) This will create a folder named processing-2.0 or something similar.
  • Change to that directory:
    cd processing-xxxx
  • Run processing:

Code examples