Post-it® Clock

In this project you will create a clock where the numbers are represented by photographs ​of digits made out of Post-its. To do this, you will learn to use images in your programs and store them into arrays (explained later). You will go through the programming step by step.

  1. Adding Images

    The first step is to give your program access to the image.

    Drag the image file onto the Processing IDE as shown in the following screenshot:

    The image is now stored in a subfolder of the program called ‘data’. The screenshot below shows the file structure where you can find your image file. You can also find it from the menu Sketch>Show Sketch Folder.

  2. Displaying an image

    In this step you will use PImage, a type of variable or class, to display an image.

    Download the photo here.

    New commands

    • PImage imageName: creates a variable of the type PImage with the name imageName. A PImage variable can hold an image.
    • loadImage(imageFile): Loads the image imageFile located in the data directory of the current sketch. imageFile must be spelled exactly like the name of the file.
    • image(imageName, x, y): Displays the PImage imageName. The top left corner of the image is placed on the coordinates x and y.

    How it works

    • A PImage variable is created, named im.
    • In setup(), the program window size is set to 400×400 pixels. The same size as the image used in this program.
    • The image foto.jpg, is loaded and stored in the variable im.
    • In draw(), im is displayed. The top left corner is placed in the coordinates, 0, 0 – the top left corner of the program window. Since the program window and the image are the same size, the image fits perfectly.
  3. Displaying two images

    In this step, you will add another PImage to display two images next to each other.

    Download the photos foto.jpg and foto2.jpg

    How it works

    • A second PImage is declared, named im2.
    • In setup() the size is set to 800×400 pixels, twice as wide as before, to fit the two images side by side.
    • The image foto2.jpg is loaded and stored in im2.
    • In draw(), im2 is displayed after im. The top left corner is placed in coordinates (400, 0) – top middle of the program window, and the top right corner of im.
  4. Arrays I

    In the next step you will modify the previous step and use an array to display two images. But first, you will learn what an array is.

    An array is like a container with many compartments. Each compartment can hold an object and all objects in a container must be of the same type. Each object can be accessed by referencing the compartment where it is held.

    For example, an array called FruitContainer of the type Fruits has 3 compartments and can hold 3 objects. Compartment 1 holds a banana, compartment 2 a cherry and compartment 3 a strawberry. If you want to use the cherry, you will look in FruitContainer compartment 2. The numbering of arrays always start with 0 so FruitContainer[0] contains the banana, FruitContainer[1] the cherry and FruitContainer[2] the strawberry.

    Arrays can be of the same types as variables, such as an integer or String. The objects contained in an array are called array elements. The maximum number of elements to store in the array has to be declared when declaring the array – 3 in the example above.

  5. Arrays II

    In this step you will modify step 3 and use a PImage array to display two images.

    New commands

    • datatype arrayName[ ] = new datatype[ numberOfElements ]: creates an array of type datatype, with the name arrayName. numberOfElements is the number of elements, or compartments, of data.
    • arrayName[ index ]: accesses an arrayName element at the index number. The first elements index number is 0, the second 1, etc.
    • Read more about arrays and Processing here.

    How it works

    • A PImage array is declared to hold two images, instead of using two PImage variables.
    • In setup(), foto.jpg is loaded and stored in im[0], and foto2.jpg is loaded and stored in im[1].
    • In draw(), im[0] is displayed with the top left corner, in coordinates (0, 0).
    • im[1] is displayed with the top left corner, in coordinates (400, 0).


    Note that these changes in the code will not cause any change in the program.

  6. Using two Arrays

    To further simplify the image variable assignment, you will store the names of all images in an array of Strings.

    How it works

    • Another array is declared of type String. It is named imFile and holds the two file names of the images; foto.jpg, and foto2.jpg.
    • In setup(), imFile[0] is loaded and stored in im[0].
    • imFile[1] is loaded and stored in im[1].


    Note that this change in the code will not cause any change in the program. This change will however make it easier to keep working from here. When adding more images, this will become clearer.

  7. The for() loop

    In this step you will increase the number of images to display from two to four. You will still use two arrays as in the previous steps, but to make the code even more efficient you will use a for() loop.

    Download the photos banana.jpgpeninsula.jpgpostit.jpg, and tortilla.jpg

    New commands:

    • for(initializer; test; update){ statements }: Allows you to repeat a piece of code as many times as you need. The for loop goes through the following steps:
      1. Runs initiator. Usually this is the declaration of an integer named i.
      2. Checks test to be true or false. Usually this is to check if i is more or less than a certain value.
      3. If test is false, the loop is exited. If test is true, the statements within the curly brackets runs.
      4. Runs the update statement. Usually this is to increase or decrease i with 1.
      5. Jumps to step two

    How it works

    • The two arrays are modified to hold 4 elements each.
    • In setup(), the size is set to 800×800 pixels to fit all four images.
    • A for loop is used to load and store the image files in the PImage array:
      • An integer, i, is declared and given the value 0.
      • The test is checked, i<4, and is true, 0 is less than 4.
      • i is used to access the positions in the arrays. In the first iteration i equals to 0, which means that imFile[0] and postit.jpg is loaded and stored in im[0].
      • The update statement runs which adds 1 to i, i = i+1.
      • The test is checked again and is still true, 1 is less than 4.
      • imFile[1], peninsula.jpg, is loaded and stored in im[1].
      • The update statement runs again.
      • This loops until i equals 4, when the test will return false, 4 is not less than 4.
    • In draw() the four images are displayed in a grid.
  8. Multiple images

    Since the objective of this program is to create a post-it clock, in this step you will display all the images that you will later use to represent the time.

    Download the images representing the numbers 012345, 678 and 9.

    How it works

    • The two arrays are modified to hold ten elements each.
    • In setup(), the size is set to 700×95 pixels, to be able to display 10 images in a row of the size 70×95 pixels each.
    • A for loop iterates ten times to load all image files in the PImage array, im.
    • In draw() another for loop iterates ten times to display the images:
      • The first iteration when i is equal to 0, im[0] is displayed with the top left corner in coordinates (0, 0), because 70*0 = 0.
      • The second iteration when i is equal to 1, img[1] is displayed in coordinates (70, 0), because 70*1 = 70.
      • This continues to loop until i is equal to 10.
  9. The time

    In this step you will display the current hour.

    New commands:

    • hour(): Returns the current hour as a number between 0 and 23.

    How it works

    • In setup() the size is set to 140×95 pixels, to fit two images next to each other.
    • In draw(), three new variables are declared: h, h_dec and h_uni. h is used to hold the current hour. h_dec and h_uni are used to access the array positions of the images you want to display.
    • When the current time is 14:30, the following calculations are made:
      • h = hour() = 14
      • h_dec = int( h/10 ) = int( 1.4 ) = 1
      • h_uni = h-h_dec *10 = 14-1*10 = 14-10 = 4
    • When the current time is 02:00 the following calculations are made:
      • h = hour() = 2
      • h_dec = int( 2/10 ) = int( 0.2 ) = 0
      • h_uni = h-h_dec *10 = 2-0*10 = 2-0 = 2
    • The images im[h_dec] and im[h_uni] are displayed next to each other.
  10. The final clock

    In this final step you will add minutes and seconds to your clock.

    New commands

    • minute(): Returns the current minute as a value between 0 and 59.
    • second(): Returns the current second as a value between 0 and 59.

    How it works

    • After the hour images are displayed in draw(), three new variables are declared, m, m_dec and m_unit to hold the minute digits.
    • When the current time is 14:30, the following calculations are made:
      • m = minute() = 30
      • m_dec = int( m/10 ) = int( 3 ) = 3
      • m_uni = m-m_dec *10 = 30-3*10 = 30-30 = 0
    • The images im[m_dec] and im[m_uni] are displayed next to each other, below the hour images.
    • Three additional variables are declared, s, s_dec and s_uni, to hold the second digits.
    • The images im[s_dec] and im[s_uni] are displayed next to each other, below the minute images.

Learn by doing

  • Make a kitchen timer: use the system variables of time to make a countdown image clock.
  • Take your own photos of digits and use them in your program.