
You can use the piezo speaker to play some basic sound with Arduino. Here you use the EducationShield library’s Melody class to play a melody from a list of notes and durations.


  • 1 Arduino Uno board
  • 1 Education shield
  • 1 piezo speaker
  • 2 jumper wires


  1. Attach the shield onto the top of the Arduino board.
  2. Connect the piezo across the breadboard gap.
  3. Connect one leg to digital pin 8 (it does not matter which one) and the other one to GND, using jumper wires.
  4. Connect the board to the computer and upload example ‘Melody’.


Find the code in Example>EducationShield>Help>Melody.

What you now should hear from the piezo speaker is a short melody, silence for three seconds, a short beep, then silence for another three seconds. This should then repeat.


  • #include “pitches.h” – includes the file pitches.h where the tone frequencies are declared as constants.

  • Melody( digitalPin ) – creates a Melody object.
    • Parameters
      • (int) digitalPin – the digital pin to which the piezo or speaker is connected.

  • play( length, notes[ ], duration[ ], tempo) – plays a melody.
    • Parameters
      • (int) length – number of notes in the melody.
      • (int[]) notes – an array holding the melody notes.
      • (int[]) duration – an array holding the duration of each note.
      • (int) tempo – tempo of the melody. Default is 1.3.

  • beep() – plays a beep.


  • Make sure that the piezo speaker is properly connected to a digital pin and to GND.
  • Make sure you have connected the piezo to the same pin as stated in your code.